This is Elloy he is 70 and lives in Regla Cuba. Recently I was honored to spend some time with Elloy and his family learning about his life. Elloy is a retired bus driver who has been married to only only once to his wife Mercedes also 70. Together Elloy and Mercedes had four children 2 boys and 2 girls. One son moved to the US many year ago and One son recently died in a motorcycle accident. This death is a great loss for this incredibly close family. The two daughters live are married and live near their parents. Life in Cuba has its struggles but in my time spent with Elloy and his family I saw a beautiful family who was struggling with a great loss. People like Elloy and his family are why I love what I do, it is such a blessing to witness the intrensic interconnectedness of humans to one another.

Really proud to know someone like u D!!!!!!
Really proud to know someone like u D!!!!!!
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